Margarida Kendall
Lisbon, Portugal
Academic Education
1982 - Catholic University of America - MFA
1973 - Corcoran School of Art
Attended the University of Lisbon for History and Philosophy
Professional Experience
1994/2000 - Professor, Studio Art, George Mason University, currently retired.
1993 - Assistant Professor, Studio Art, George Mason University
1986 - Assistant Professor, Studio Art, Towson State University
Exposições Individuais
2007 - “Arquétipos, mitos e Magia”, Galeria São Mamede, Lisbon
2003 - “The law of the rare event”, Galeria São Mamede, Lisbon
1998 - Gallery K, Washington, D.C
1996 - ‘Topos”, McLean Project for the Arts, McLean, Va.
1995 - Galeria Arte e Mania, Lisbon, Portugal
1994 - Gallery K, Washington, D.C.
1990 - Osuna Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1986 - Holtzman Art Gallery, Towson State University, Towson, Md.
1984 - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Centro de Arte Moderna, Lisbon, Portugal.
1983 - Osuna Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1982 - St. John’s College Art Gallery, Annapolis, Md. 1981 - Osuna Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1976 - Maxwell Davidson Gallery, New York, N.Y.
1975 - Pyramid Galleries, Ltd., Washington, D.C.
Exhibitions - Invitations – Prizes
2006 – The Tullman collection, mobile, Ala. Museum of Art
2001-“Contemporary Realism” – Curator: F. Lennox Campello, -The Athenaeum, Alexandria, VA.
1999 - “Council Room - ‘The Artist Heraldry Show”, Curator: Andrea Pollan, PU., McLean Project for the Arts
- “Artes de Outras Partes”, invited by the Portuguese Government, Museu da Água, Lisbon, Portugal
1998 - The Figure Interpreted”, Curador: John Figura, Fine Arts Gallery, George Mason, University, Fairfax, Va.
1996 - “Metamorphosis - The 1996 Art Auction”, Corcoran Gallery of Art, D.C.
1995 - “Lilith”, Curador: J.W. Mahoney, Rockvllle Arts Place, Rockville, Md.
- M.O.C.A. Biennial of Washington Art, The Museum of Contemporary Art,
Washington, D.C.
1994 - Washington Project for the Arts Invitational Auction, Washington, D.C. - “Catholic Girls”, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, Md.
1993 - “The Hero”, Fondo del Sol Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1991 - Fairfax County Council of the Arts Open Exhibition, Fairfax, Va.
1989 - “Diaspora”, Icaro Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
1987- “Contemporary Artists from Portugal and Brazil”, Brazilian-American Cultural Institute, Washington, D.C.
1985 - “The Washington Art Community Self-Portraits”, Jane Haslem Gallery,
Washington, D.C.
1980 - “Metarealities”, Curador: Nina Felshin, Washington Project for the Arts,
1979 - “Emerging Washington Painters”, Curador: Walter Hopps, Washington Project for the Arts.
1978 - “Works on Paper”, Chuck Levitan Gallery, New York, N.Y.
1977 - “Drawings of the 70’s”, Curador: by Harold Joachim, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, II.
1976 - “Washington in Philadelphia”, Marian Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, Pa.
Selection of texts and articles
2000 - Paul Feinberg, “The Me I See”, Washingtonian Magazine, p.62
- Antonio Oliveira, ‘Margarida Kendall”, Mimdo Portugues,
1999 - Lisa Brotman. “Margarida Kendall: Recent Works”, Washington Review, p.19
1998 - Ferdinand Protzman, “Body Language”, The Washington Post. 12 p.E7
1996- S.A. Jones, “Topos”, at Emerson Gallery, McLean Project for the Arts”, KOAN,
1995- Barahona Possolo, Uma Pintura do Estranhamento”, pp. 23-28
1994 - Lee Fleming, “Gallery K’s Familiar New Faces”,The Washington Post, April 9th, p.B2
- Lee Fleming, “Margarida Kendall’s Deep Friezes”, The Washington Post, 5 February, p. G2
1993 - Lee Fleming, “Hero”, Fondo del Sol Gallery, The Washington Post, April 10th p.C2
1986 - Jo Ann Lewis “Open Studio Abloom with An”, The Washington Post, September 20, p.H2
1985 - “Fantasy Portraits”, The Washington Post Magazine.(cover article) illus.
- Benjamin Forgey, Portrait of D.C.’s Art Scene”, The Washington Post, June 22, p.C2
1984 - Fernando de Azevedo, “Margarida Kendall”, Colóquio (Lisbon, Portugal), September, Vol., 62, p.68, illus.
- Mário de Oliveira, “Margarida Kendali”, 0 Pais, 24 May, p.11,ilius.
1983 - Jo Ann Lewis, “Margarida Kendall at Osuna”. The Washington Post, January 27
1981 - Jo Ann Lewis, “Carving Their Niche”, The Washington Post, 7 June, p. B3
- Lee Fleming, “Metarealities”, The New Art Examiner, April
- Paul Richard, “Metarealities:Pretty Perversion and Bureaucrat Brush Work”, The Washington Post 13 March, p. D12
1979 -Benjamin Forgey, ‘Two Fine Ideas Govern Show of District Artists”, The Washington Star, 30 September, p. G2
1975 - Meryle Secrest, “Galleries”, The Washington Post, July 5
1974 - Jo Ann Lewis, ‘The Women Get It Together”, Washington Star News. May, p. B1
Catalogues and Brochures
2006 – Creative Imaginings, mobile Museum of Art, Alabama, U.S.A
1999 - Artes de Outras Partes, Museu da Agua., Lisbon, Portugal
1996 - Iopos, McLean Project for the Arts, McLean, Va.
1995 - Margarida Kendall, Pinturas, Arte e Mania, Lisbon, Portugal
1994 - Tomorrow/today. Washington Project for the Arts. l5th Annual Art Auction,Nov.
- Catholic Girls. Maryland Arts Place, Baltimore, Md., Oct.
1993 - Legend, McLean Project for the Arts, McLean, Va.
1989 - Diaspora, lcaro Galeria de Arte, Lisbon, Portugal
1985 -The Washington Art Community Self portraits, Jane, Haslem Gallery.Washington, D.C.
1984 - Margarida Kendall, Fundação Callouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal
1980 – “Metarealities”, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C.
1977 – “Drawings of the 70’s”, The Art Institute of Chicago
1974 - Paperworks, Washington Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Colecções Públicas e Particulares
The Tullman Collection, Chicago, Ill
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, II.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Lisbon, Portugal
Fundação Callouste Gulbenkian, Centro de Arte Moderna, Lisbon, Portugal
Coopers and Lybrand, Washington, D.C.
Prizes and honorable mentions (selection)
2003 - Selected for Juri of the “Tarwick Prize: Bethesda Comtemporary Art Awards”
1999 - Participant “Encontros de Maio”/Artists”, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon, Portugal
1994 - Selected for the panel of “Finding your Voice” , National Museum of Women in the Arts,Washington, D.C., March
1990 - Participant “Art in the Embassies Program”. sponsored by U.S. Department of State
1986 - Selected for the panel of ‘Words in Painting Colloquium”, with the writer Michel Butor and the artist Mendi Qotbi, George Mason. University.
1985 - Participant in “First Meeting of Distinguished Individuals of Portuguese ancestry Residing Abroad”, sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oporto, Portugal
1974 - Women’s Committee Award, Corcoran Gallery of Art Washington, D.C.