Alexandre Manuel
I am Portuguese and French. I first fell in love with photography in 2000 while traveling around São Paulo in Brazil. With a disposable camera in my bag, I started to record every corner of urban landscape I came across in this wonderfully strange, enormous city. In this way, my travels quickly became a school of learning for me. However, even before I discovered how capture it, I already had a love for the focus of my attention. In the same way that a sports photographer has a passion for athletics, my landscape portraits are above all, a love of nature.I completed a PhD in Visual Semiotics, specialising in Editorial Images in France but I prefer to dedicate my life to my inexhaustible passion for photography. I have already taken part in a number of successful exhibitions in the Algarve and in France.I am fascinated with the temporary nature of photography, by using a long exposure, high key technique and the study of atmospheric conditions for optimum effects. I try to create a continuous scene that is untouched by time and only framed by traces of human contact in structures, rocks and maritime locations. I am passionate about landscapes and particularly the Algarve coastal region where I am recording its natural wonders in constant motion.
Gallery Geraldes da Silva, Porto; Contemporary Art Center, Museum of TAVIRA (palacio da galeria)
Fine Art Gallery Palpura – LISBON; Gallery Santo António – Monchique; Gallery ArteAlgarve Open VII - LAGOA
city hall exhibition space - Lagos; Gallery ArteAlgarve Open VIII- LAGOA; Fine Art Gallery São Mamede - VALE DO LOBO
Café Ingles – Silves; Gallery ArteAlgarve Open IV; Gallery ArteAlgarve Open V; Gallery Arte Algarve Open VI
Awards :
2013 :
- IPA International Photography Awards : Honorable Mention
2014 :
- SONY Wold Photography Awards : Finalista Top 10
- Segundo lugar (Fine Art Architecture)
- Terçeiro lugar (FineArt Landscape, Nature & Fine Art Abstract)
- mençao honrosa na "Spider Black and white photography award" concurso international baseado nos estados unidos.
- Fine Art Abstract)
2015: European pprofessional photographer of the year 2015",
- ND Awards Winners' Gallery; ND Awards 2016; Professional; Nature; Seascapes / Waterscapes; 1st Place - Gold Star Award